The foundations for future MRV system and framework for energy sector’s GHG emissions

For the implementation of Nationally Determined Contribution of Viet Nam (NDC), World Bank support the Government of Vietnam in implementing the NDC commitments through technical assistance on development of an integrated MRV framework and system for the energy sector and for the development of criteria for large GHG emission in Vietnam.

For the implementation of Nationally Determined Contribution of Viet Nam (NDC), World Bank support the Government of Vietnam in implementing the NDC commitments through technical assistance on development of an integrated MRV framework and system for the energy sector and for the development of criteria for large GHG emission in Vietnam.

Under this support, the national and international consultant team from NIRAS / RCEE-NIRAS and SQ Consult has assessed the current situation and foundations for future MRV system and framework for energy sector’s GHG emissions in Vietnam. At present,  the framework and system for the MRV of GHG emissions is still under development. Several policy and technical elements have been established as foundation for developing the MRV system and framework for energy sector’s GHG emissions in Vietnam.

These are well supported by the Vietnamese legal landscape dealing with energy data and statistics is complicated, with many legal documents regulating general and sectoral statistics. Also, reporting systems for energy data are introduced.  However, sectoral and facility-level GHG reporting systems have not been established. And a national MRV system for GHG emissions and for mitigation is currently under development by MONRE.